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Two Variables On Same Dispay - Jazz

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Hello all!

I'm a newbie on this forum, I have searched answers about my question but didn't find yet.


I need to preset counter from display. The counter setpoint may be greater then 32767 (in my case - up to 999999),

therefore I defined 2 variables linked to 2 MI - 1st counts up to 9999 and 2nd up to 99.

There are 2 questions:

1. How can I enter 2 variables continuously without using ENTER key in the middle?

2. When I start counting i can see two zeroes on display - every variable has it's own. Can I bypass this?

Thanks in advance.


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Long variable will be entered as 2 variables only.

Open example named "Long integer-one line PLC_all possible functions.U90", change Hardware Configuration to Jazz and run it.

See how it works.

Long numbers are not native for Jazz, so there are some strict rules to follow.

You have to show Right number with leading zeroes.

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