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Visilogic 9.5.0 and timers

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I've just installed the latest version of Visilogic Version 9.5.0. When I compile my project that were last edited and downloaded using version 9.4.0, the Compile report warns that many of my timers have coils but no contacts. A search of the timer shows that the contacts do exist. What am I doing wrong?

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Please know that this is an informative message only and does not affect the program. The timers will still function correctly and as intended in VisiLogic V9.5.0. Our R&D team has been informed of this issue and it should be fixed in the next update. A current solution is to replace a dll file that I have included that should clear up the message from displaying.

Download and unzip the file. Navigate to Program Files/ Unitronics/ Unitronics VisiLogic_C/ VisiLogic Self Reg DLLs. Replace the existing file UnCpCpl1.dll with the one provided in the zip file.


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Leaving unused timer coils in the program will only slightly affect scan time depending on how they are configured in the nets. It should not be significant enough to need to remove the unused timers. System scan time can be monitored in online mode by viewing System Integer 0.

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