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I have a program in a V570 where I am using SB3 as to increment and ML to keep overall motor run time.  I have a very simple net with the only condition being the motor running, the positive edge of SB3 and the increment function block.


Every one second my incrementer is counting 2 and not 1 ...... what am I missing?  I have compensated by dividing by 72 instead of 36 to make the run time view as 0.00 hours, but I am mystified as to whay I have to do this.


Someone please set me strait on this.




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Hi Lawry,


Thank you for your response.  I know Sb13 exists, but my question is why is SB3 giving a double pulse every one second ( i have already in my ladder to only see the rising edge of SB3)?  I will have to try some experimentaiton.  Maybe it is because it is in a subroutine, but this should actually have no effect.


Also just a note.  The ML is used only once.

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Hi Lawry,


You are correct and I feel stupid.  There was a second call for the subroutine in the middle of the main routine that I never noticed was there.  I took that out ........... and all is right and good with the world again.  Thanks for forcing me to turn my head in a different direction.  I was so centered on finding a second function I never looked for an extra subroutine call.




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