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M91 Modbus

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I want to write two coils with the coils Force Command 603
Unfortunately, I can not.
I'm probably not the right structure.
I would like to describe ID 2, coil number 0001h and 0002h with MB1 and MB2.
I have selected the following structure can you tell me what is wrong?


Greeting Cook

Please forgive my poor English.


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The logic that you displayed appears correct. Have you also configured the M91 controller for use as as MODBUS master? The U90 help file under Communications/ MODBUS describes how to configure the controllers Network ID, timerout, retries, time delay, and baud rate. If this is not set up properly or the baud rate is not matched to the device you are communicating with this could cause an issue.

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Thank you for your quick response.
I have found my mistake. Modbus I have set correctly.
I am trying to control with the Mobus an inverter. This accepts the command only when a number of bytes currently being used as bytes consist of a MSB and LSB.
So I SI143 set to 10.
Now the inverter is running.

Greeting Cook





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