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Issue with TON timer


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Has anybody else had issues with TON timers??

Several times I have seen where the timer seems to get stuck with the "out" bit ON.  It's a very simple logic where the timers out bit is used as a N/C bit to activate the timer, thus the timer is constantly cycling.  I have seen where the out bit goes high & stays high until I "Reset Retained Tags" in UniApps.  This may have occurred after a new application was downloaded to the UniStream.

I'm using latest version of UniLogic & have all OS files up to date on the UniStream.


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Eyal Koren,


At the time of this issue I had been in contact with support & they looked at the logic.  After tinkering with the issue for a while we found that resetting the retained tags takes care of it.


Since support had never heard of this issue previously, I thought I would post on here to see if anybody else ever saw this problem.


Thanks,  ahoover

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