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C# Data Table


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The c# demo application works ok, when i'm editing the data Table from the grid, and i've managed to write the information to PLC.


I'm trying to write some imported data from xml file to an Unitronics V570 using C# Data Table application. From what i saw on write table i received the following error:


"Operation is not valid for tables taken from UDT file"


From what i saw the object "DataTables" has an private member PLC who has values when the data are imported from V570, but when the data is imported from xml file this member is null.



What should i do in order to determine the "object" -> Table to succesfully write the information to V570.


The xml file is generated from another application, so that is way i need this solution.


If is necessary i can provide you my code.


Thank you

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We already implemented a feature to support such request.

You should have a function called SetPLC, which exist in the Data Tables DLL since version


Since it appears that the version on the website is too old, then I suggest you to take it from the SD Card Suite, since it has the latest version.

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