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new modem in visilogic modem service

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 Hi , i`m need to install  a new modem into the modem service,for  dial a plc modem (enfora) connected to V130  .This modem is a usb modem gsm/gprs .Specifically a  Samba 55 at Falcom Company .




How can i configurate this modem in visilogic modem service ?


Thanks from spain


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Hi IIuisot,

To be able to configure a modem which is not included in the supported modem list, you should select "other" from the GSM modems list in the "COM Initialize FB".

Then you should fill in the specific AT commands of your modem for a successful initialization. Every modem consists on its own sequence and syntax, please follow the product's documentation.

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Hi IIuisot,

To be able to configure a modem which is not included in the supported modem list, you should select "other" from the GSM modems list in the "COM Initialize FB".

Then you should fill in the specific AT commands of your modem for a successful initialization. Every modem consists on its own sequence and syntax, please follow the product's documentation.

 Thanks ,  i need  to dial  with other modem only .Wath comands i have put ?

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 Thanks ,  i need  to dial  with other modem only .Wath comands i have put ?

 Hi , i think this Falcom modem have  internally a cinterion modem mc55i . When i initialize pc-side modem , all parameteres are ok , but initialization are not ok. can you help me ?



i copy txt log :


Communication    20/08/14 09:24:29    Close port

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:28    Close port

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:26    "Modem Input +CSQ: 99,0OK"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:26    Modem Output AT+CSQ

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:23    Modem Output AT+CREG?

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:21    Modem Output AT+CREG?

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:19    Modem Output AT+CREG?

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:16    Modem Output AT+CREG?

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:14    Modem Output AT+CREG?

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:14    "Modem Input +CSQ: 99,0OK"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:14    Modem Output AT+CSQ

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:14    Modem Input CinterionMC55iREVISION 01.201OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:13    Modem Output ATI

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:13    Modem Input OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:13    Modem Output AT&W0

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:13    "Modem Input ^SCFG: ""Radio/Band/HandOver"",""1""OK"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:13    "Modem Output AT^SCFG=""Radio/Band/HandOver"",1"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:13    Modem Input OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:12    "Modem Output AT^SGCONF=540,8"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:12    "Modem Input +CPMS: 0,30,0,30,0,30OK"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:12    "Modem Output AT+CPMS=SM,SM,SM"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:09    Modem Input OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:08    Modem Output ATX4

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:08    Modem Input OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:08    Modem Output AT&C1&D0&S0Q0S0=0V1

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:08    "Modem Input ^SCFG: ""GPRS/ATS0/withAttach"",""off""OK"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:08    "Modem Output AT^SCFG=""GPRS/ATS0/withAttach"",""off"""

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:05    Modem Input ATE0OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:04    Modem Output ATE0

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:04    Modem Input OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:04    Modem Output AT&F

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:04    Modem Input OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:04    Modem Output AT

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:04    "Open port 7 9600,N,8,1"

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:03    Close port

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:03    Modem Input OK

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:03    Modem Output AT+IPR=9600

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:02    Modem Output AT (BaudRate:9600)

Communication    20/08/14 09:24:02    "Open port 7 9600,N,8,1"

Communication    20/08/14 09:23:59    Close port


Thanks .

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There are a usb modem at list of modems service  ? My customer need this option  for use in your portable pc.


Maybe , the R.D. Team could integrate a modem usb on the  modems list .


Best regards .


Hi IIuisot,

USB modems can not be supported for Vision PLC's, basically because of lack of a USB host port.

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I don't exactly understand what you mean. Could you please explain the system architecture?

 OK Eyan .Is this:


In  the side PLC, i have a V130 whih a 1308 Enfora Modem (GSM /GPRS) connected in the second RS232 port.

In the side PC i want a USB Modem ( GSM /GPRS).

I send SMS from PLC  , and i need  conect  visilogic to V130 whith a phone call.


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