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A digital input can be forced from the VisiLogic software and using the info mode of the controller. 


Visilogic- Go into online test. Double click on the input you would like to force. Right click and the click "force to 1".

Info mode- Enter info mode of the controller. Select the operands > Inputs. Select the input you would like force and click F1 at the bottom of the screen.


Please note that you must clear the force when done. 



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A digital input can be forced from the VisiLogic software and using the info mode of the controller. 


Visilogic- Go into online test. Double click on the input you would like to force. Right click and the click "force to 1".

Info mode- Enter info mode of the controller. Select the operands > Inputs. Select the input you would like force and click F1 at the bottom of the screen.


Please note that you must clear the force when done. 



 Thank you . I tested and it's ok



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