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Julio Rodriguez

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I'm working in a proyect to the Variadores S.A Company in bogota, Colombia.


They need communicate the plc with the pc vía GPRS, ussing the program Remote Access and two ENFORA modems.


I have two SIM CARDs one for the modem and one for the other. Claro S.A provides me two IP address whit a APN Server; this is a private network.



In  my program i have:


- name of the PLC ---- Visio570.

- Com init ---- i connect my modem in the port #2.

- gprs configuration and gprs registration.   int the grps registration I'm going to set a MI where the program save the ip address (this is the ip address of the MODEM PLC). You also have to set the APN Server.

- IP to ASCII --- With This function Block the OPCL save your IP Address.

-Start Call ----> I configured the remote tcp/ip port   the number 20257 but i'm no sure about that (unitronics have a video with this proyect but in the video the por tcp/ip is 5000) I am confused about that.  I also cofigured the ip addres of the second modem, the second modem is the PC modem.

- end call

-listen mode ---> i configured the port --- 20257.

- end listen mode.




I connected the network and inicializated the two modems, one for the PLC side modems and the other for PC side modems.


when I turn on the plc and the modems, the plc save the modem ip address and displayed on the screen. when I pressing the button LISTEN, the bit connectect turn on. But the bit Call status neve turn on, when I pressing the button Call , The PLC diplayed the message MODEM TIME OUT ERROR.


I have to do I have to do something very similar to the video on youtube with the name WEBINAR-MODEM.


Please this proyect is urgent for the company. 


THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hello Julio,

Thank you for using Unitronics products.

I have a few questions/comments:

1. What is the network registration status of the PLC side modem?

2. What communication parameters are defined in the Communication&OS menu (in Visilogic)? Please make sure that all parameters are defined correctly, including PLC name, IP and port number.

3. Make sure that all the parameters in GPRS Register function block are defined correctly.

4. Just to clear things up: In GPRS Start Call function block, you define the IP address and port number of the remote device you are trying to call to (in this case your PC). You need to make sure that the PC has the exact same parameters and that it is in active listen mode. In GPRS Listen function block, when activated, the PLC listens to a specific port for other devices to communicate with - in that case you should follow the instructions given above (in section 2).


I hope that this will solve your issue. Please let me know the results.

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