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Visilogic 9.7.9 compatibility with older firmware

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  • MVP 2023

I have a V570 PLC out in the field that needs to have some code updated. The original project, which I have, was generated using Visilogic 8.6.3. The firmware on the PLC is the firmware associated with Visilogic 8.6.3. I am currently using Visilogic 9.7.9 and no longer have 8.6.3 installed. Can I update the code in Visilogic 9.7.9 and generate a .V57 file to be delivered via the SD card, or do I need to re-install 8.6.3 to ensure compatibility with the older firmware?

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Hi Flex, 

You have 2 options, you can Download the previous version and use Version Swapper. 


You can also update the application the the newest version and use a UniDownloader file that has the firmware included(OS,BIN,Boot) 


Either method will be sucessfull.



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