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Whenever I try to connect with Samba (SM35-J-R20) via VisiLogic (9.7.9 Build2 OS Windows7 32 bit) i receive error 206 (Communication driver error), I/m unable even to  get com parameters by connection->Communication &OS-->PLC Status

I have tried Build in port as well as USB-rs232 converter, checked port nr, baud, fifo etc...
Cable is fine - works perfectly on laptop with win XP.

Following instructions concerning UAC did nothing, as well as running as administrator.
Downloading new install file also didn't helped...
Once in a while whole application crashes (Some infinite comm loop?).
Is there any other options i could try?


Whenever I try to connect with Samba (SM35-J-R20) via VisiLogic (9.7.9 Build2 OS Windows7 32 bit) i receive error 206 (Communication driver error), I/m unable even to  get com parameters by connection->Communication &OS-->PLC Status

I have tried Build in port as well as USB-rs232 converter, checked port nr, baud, fifo etc...

Cable is fine - works perfectly on laptop with win XP.

Following instructions concerning UAC did nothing, as well as running as administrator.

Downloading new install file also didn't helped...

Once in a while whole application crashes (Some infinite comm loop?).

Is there any other options i could try?



Several questions:

1. Can you connect to the Samba PLC from the laptop running Windows XP?

2. Can you connect to other PLC's from Visilogic on Windows 7?

3. What type of USB to RS232 converter are you using?


Problem was solved when i was posting this reply...
I didn't checked most obvious thing - drivers version, when i asked IT for update, everything started to work just fine.

For future seekers here is reply to upper questions:
1 - On windows XP there were no problem at all.
2 - I have only one Visilogic PLC for my disposal (SM35 mentioned earlier).
3 - Dell PR12s docking station equiped with LadderComOp2 (Drivers
     No-Name,as well as Automation Direct GoldX, Profilic USB-to-Serial Comm Port (Drivers

Working setup: GoldX converter and drivers.

Thank You for reply!

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