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V350-35-RA22 Wrong Keypad Assignments?

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Hello all,


I have run into this odd issue and I wanted to check if this is by design or if it is some sort of bug. I have V350-35-RA22 which has 5 keys on its keypad as well as a touchscreen. It has the 4 directional arrow keys but the buttons are not assigned to the corrects SB's for those keys. I have verified the assignments and have found the following:


Left arrow key    => SB58 (F1)

Down arrow key => SB59 (F2)

Up arrow key     => SB60 (F3)

Right arrow key => SB61 (F4)


I would expect to see the following according to the visilogic documentation:


Left arrow key    => SB51 (Left Arrow)

Down arrow key => SB56 (Down arrow)

Up arrow key     => SB55 (Up Arrow)

Right arrow key => SB52 (Right Arrow)


I could not find any info on this. Is this by design?




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