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Trouble updating


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Hello jamcar,

Can you please give more details on what is exactly the problem you are having?

What is the current bin version you have installed on your PLC?


If you do not find where this version is, you most do the following:

1- download the latest version of UniLogic from Unitronics webpage. As allways this software is free of charge.

2-after isntaling this software open an application and go to the PLC menu

3-Click on the icon Unistream managment and select firmware manager.

4-A new window will pop up and you'll see 1.9.6. select it

5-insert a USB drive on your computer and click on the buton copy to DOK. The USB drive shoudl be fortmated as FAT32

6-After the files have been copyed to the USB file insert the drive on the host usb port of the PLC.

7-press the upper rigth corner of the PLC for about 8 seconds and the Uniapps screen will apear

8-Click on update.

9-Select the option force and select upgrade PLC.


this should take about 15-30 minutes.


hope this helps.


Best regards

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Hello jamcar,

Can you please give more details on what is exactly the problem you are having?

What is the current bin version you have installed on your PLC?


If you do not find where this version is, you most do the following:

1- download the latest version of UniLogic from Unitronics webpage. As allways this software is free of charge.

2-after isntaling this software open an application and go to the PLC menu

3-Click on the icon Unistream managment and select firmware manager.

4-A new window will pop up and you'll see 1.9.6. select it

5-insert a USB drive on your computer and click on the buton copy to DOK. The USB drive shoudl be fortmated as FAT32

6-After the files have been copyed to the USB file insert the drive on the host usb port of the PLC.

7-press the upper rigth corner of the PLC for about 8 seconds and the Uniapps screen will apear

8-Click on update.

9-Select the option force and select upgrade PLC.


this should take about 15-30 minutes.


hope this helps.


Best regards


Hi thanks for the reply, forgot to include the information you asked for 


BIN version 1.9.6


file system 0.0.30


the problem is now i have updated things, i just get a blue screen after uploading a blank project, 


It doesnt seem to be connecting on the unilogic software at all via usb even though it is recognised by the unitronics notifier in the bottom right hand corner, and i am also having the same problem connecting via ethernet


spoken to someone from i4 automations today and they seem to have no idea either?


best regards 

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