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EduMarg last won the day on October 11 2022

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  1. Hello, The GW-BAC1 is an external, high performance Building Automation multi-protocol gateway that has been preprogrammed for enabling Unitronics products to various building automation protocols. These protocols include BACnet MS/TP and BACnet/IP. Configuration for the various protocols is done via Unitronics configuration tool UniBACnet Configurator. To configure it you have the UniBACnet configurator. this configurator is a tool provided Unitronics that allows the user to create the configuration file for the GW-BAC1 easily. Once created, the configuration file should be downloaded to the GW-BAC1 in order to enable it to communicate with the Unitronics PLC. The UniBACnet configurator can be launched from both the VisiLogic and UniLogic programing applications Tools menu. This tool will configure the BACnet getaway as BACnet master and modbus Slave. If you wish to have the getaway act as BACnet slave and modbus master the configuration file should be change manualy before downloading it to the device. The RS485 connection is a strait forward RS485 connection between the PLC and the getaway. You may also connect the PLC via Ethernet port. The Getaway supports Modbus RTU and Modbus Ethernet and Bacnet MS/TP and Bacnet IP. You may have any combination of them. I have attached some examples to use with UniStream PLCs. Bacnet examples for Unilogic.zip
  2. Hello, There is not system bit that is turn on when the user has selected the snooze alarm button on the banner and there is no direct way to mute alarm sounds when this button is pressed. You'll need to create a logic to manually shut down the alarm sound. you may add a button on the HMI that the user can press after pressing the snooze button and add on the logic a timer. You may add the timer on the HMI to let the user see how much time has pass or even to let him change the amount of time to mute the sound.
  3. Hello Andrea, Sorry for the delay answer. In UniStream trends are saved to the SD card. The file will be save either when the user manually stops the sampling, when the sample has reached 60,000 samples or when there s power reset. You can have in one application up to 32 trends and in each of them up to 16 curves or feeds. Using UNT32 instead of INT16 should not make a difference. Hope this information helps
  4. Hi guys, Despite the message, this has nothing to do with the CPU, its connector, or any hardware. In UniLogic version 1.23.25, a certain set of circumstances that involved the 'ACK Alarm' Ladder function called this error message—it's just a minor bug J. It's been fixed
  5. Scott, I sent you an email with answer and solution. Best regards
  6. Dear ORSO2001, I tried to replicate this issue with an application build on 1.19 with UAC with a user set as supper group. I open the application with latest UniLogic 1.22.13 and download it to a UniStream with latest firmware 1.22.9 In my case it worked OK and had no issues downloading the application to the UniStream. I got no error message. Can you please try downloading an empty application to the UniStream. After this please try to download your application. If this does not work, please send the application to support@unitronics.com for review. Also, please send a screenshot of the error message you get. Thanks.
  7. Hi Mbb and Mdglopper, It seems that the UID-0808T you are using has an old boot. Because of this the O/S of this module needs to be downgraded it order for the module to work. BUT please note that the using the old UID-0808T, you cannot use the "scenarios" of this IO module. Please do as follows: On UniLogic 1.18.6 go to Download > OS Download > Download IO Files. Select the IOOS_UID-0808T_V2_5 When it's done just reboot the PLC.
  8. Hi, Sorry for the misunderstanding. When I say 8 emails at the same time I meant 8 different emails and not 8 different email addresses. When you configure the address on one email: 1. If the address is indirect the limit should be around ~40-50 address in the mail list to all To/cc/bcc together . 2. If you use fix constant address there should be no limit. Hope this clarifies better. Regards,
  9. Hi, In UniLogic you can set a list of many emails with out the need of a data table. You can configure a list of Emails on the To:/CC:/Bcc: part of the email configuration. You also have a widget you can use on the HMI to edit the To:/CC:/Bcc: list of emails to send the email. The UniStream can handle multiple mails at the same request. We have an internal queue but we recommend to send a maximum of up to 8 mails at the same time. Please see attached example and you can also see more information on emails on a video tutorial on the next link. UniStream_070_Send_Mail_new.ulpr
  10. Hi, In order to better help you: Will it be possible to send us the application to support@unitronics.com for review? Can you please tell us on the properties windows/trend curve list option, when the trend curves configuration window is open: Is the option "is visible" selected for all curves? What are the values for Max and Min columns? 3. Can you please tell us what version of UniLogic and Bin files are you using?\ Please note that the latest version of UniLogic is V1.18.60 and BIN files 1.18.19. We recommend to install and use this versions. I use the attached example, I change the trend on the HMI to FIFO and had no issues viewing the 3 curves at the same time. But remember that only one of them will have the focus and that is the one that will have the title on the upper part and the correct units on the X axis. UniStream_070_Data_Sampling_And_Trend.ulpr
  11. The MJ10-22-CS25 cable can be purchased through your local distributor. This is a RJ11 to DB9 connection To connect to your laptop, you will need a USB-Serial converter, part number MJ10-22-CS35.
  12. using coma is not possible, Even if converting the number to ascii and changing the point to a coma because you choose as delimiter coma. This will separate the decimal part and the integer part of the number into two cells. In the example I post you will notice that I write the value of pressure to the delimited line. This value is changed to ascii before writing it to the CSV file. Are you also converting the integer to ASCII? You can do it as in the example and on the E input of the NUM to ASCII block use a constant to determine the decimal point location. so for example if your integer is 100 and you wish to see 10.0 use on this input a value of 1. Hope this helps.
  13. Vamalgise, I'm glad my advice helped you. Attached an example on how to created titles on a CSV file using delimited line. You will see that in this example, once a day or when a new file is created, the first thing it does is write titles into the first row. Hope this helps. Regards. V570_sd_delimited_line.vlp
  14. Hi vamalgise, The delimiter can change depending of your region. Some places use as delimiter the coma "," some regions use the semicolon ";" . What symbol are you using as delimiter? Try changing it to the second option. if you use coma use semicolon instead If you use semicolon use coma instead Another option to separate the columns is to go to excel and Select the text you wish to divide in columns go to the data menu, there you will see the icon or option Text to column. select this option. a new windows will pop up where you will have options delimiter or fix text. Select delimiter and click on next. You will have a list of delimiters: tab, coma, semicolon, etc. Select the one that adapts to you needs and click next two more times This should solve your issue. Regards
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