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I am using a V350-35-TR20 plc and using the PTO function.

In Unit and Pulse per Unit  = 1

I am using the PTO move with Relative Position control.

Every thing is working fine and the stepper motor is working as per my logic.


But in the PTO Read status i am not geting the current channel position correct. it is showing  + - 12 pulse extra. sometines it shows 12 pulse extra or sometimes it shows -12 pulse. Can any one suggest some solution for this.


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Hi Sunit,

The fact that the PTO Read Status function block results always in the same figures (+-12) indicates that this is an application issue. 

You can look for mathematical or linearization functions which can cause this.

You are also welcome to post your application here, or send it to support@unitronics.com for further review.

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Hi Sunit,

The fact that the PTO Read Status function block results always in the same figures (+-12) indicates that this is an application issue. 

You can look for mathematical or linearization functions which can cause this.

You are also welcome to post your application here, or send it to support@unitronics.com for further review.

Dear friend

I have done no mathematical calculations in the program. In PTO configure block the unit = 1 and pulse per unit is also = 1, so the PTO read status should only show the number of pulses which are been genrated.

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Dear friend

I have done no mathematical calculations in the program. In PTO configure block the unit = 1 and pulse per unit is also = 1, so the PTO read status should only show the number of pulses which are been genrated.

Please attach your application to this post. I will try to look for programming issues.

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