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UniOPC and tibbo Aggregate SCADA


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I am using Tibbo SCADA doftware called Aggregate. Aggregate suppot OPC, but it looked like one cannot add tags to the OPC server node manually. The tags are called Assets in aggregate and they are discovered automatically with an "OPC discover wizard".

The wizards worked fine for the "Matrikon OPC server for Simulator" but it doesn't discover any items (PLC's) from the UniOPC.

Can someone help me add the OPC server to Aggregate?


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Hi itamarsin,


We are not familiar with the Aggregate Scada software. I would advise contacting their support team for getting assistance on the "OPC Discover Wizard".

Before doing that, I would check the following:

1. Is UniOPC server is registered in your PC?

2. Did you define the tags and connections in UniOPC server?

3. Is the UniOPC server running?


If the answer to one of these questions is no, this could be the reason for the OPC server discovery failure.

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