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Export Trend File to CSV


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I'm using Unistream  10.4. I Try to export the trend data from a Datasampler to a CSV (EXEL) File, I get it from the SD-card with filezilla.
Sometimes the file will be generated and sometimes it won't
I stop the data sampling and then i set the create CSV bit.
in ladder function.
But it not always generate the file (.ZIP)
Is there an example how this file must be generated.
I use Unilogic version 1.9 rev 19
I have tried a full download and so on but sometimes it works sometimes it won't
Is there any example how this works.

 Thanks René

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Hi Rene,

Please see the attached project.

In the Data Sampler1 struct there is a "Create CSV" bit. When this bit is turned on, every time you will stop the sampling or when the sampler reaches the maximum samples (60000 samples) a new CSV will be written to the SD card.


Please let me know if that works for you.


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  • 4 years later...
On 2/8/2015 at 9:16 AM, Eyal Koren said:

Hi Rene,

Please see the attached project.

In the Data Sampler1 struct there is a "Create CSV" bit. When this bit is turned on, every time you will stop the sampling or when the sampler reaches the maximum samples (60000 samples) a new CSV will be written to the SD card.


Please let me know if that works for you.


Hello Eyal,

Can I see the attached project named "UniStream_070_Data_Sampling_And_Trend.ulpr? I have a same problem.


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