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V570 need example with HMI timer

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Hello, I am making recipe control with v570 so I want add operand like timer to it. 

So I had timer operand in my data base , so that I can edit it, but I didn't find out where can I store it? (to output)

So I trying now DW operand in database but I can't store it to timer...


Basicly what I am trying to do is to write time in HMI, save it to SD card, PLC data table and give this operand to timer (launching it). Please any suggestions.. stuck at it

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  • MVP 2023

You can save your timer preset by using the function: Load Timer/Counter Preset (found under the Store drop-down menu). Use a ML (Memory Long) to save your timer preset value.


You can update the timer preset either directly by HMI Timer Variable, or by storing from a ML using the function Store Timer/Counter Preset.

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