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G'day chaps.

                        I have been tasked with generating a plc/hmi application for a process system using the USC-P-B10 and DPL050104.

This is my first project with Unilogic.......... so please be patient as I probably will come across as having the IQ of a hedgehog!

I am familiar with Schneider's Unity and Mitsubishi gear but as I get older it takes me longer to get to know others.


I do not see the hardware I am to use in the selection list?

The HMI library seems very small, do I have to download extra files?


That will do for starters.....


Please advise.


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Are you referring to setting up the hardware configuration in the UniLogic software?  You should be able to find this through the solution explorer on the left hand side of the software under "Hardware Configuration".  Depending on what you would like to add, you can change the local I/O modules or the remote I/O modules through their respective options; you will find the I/O modules listed on the right hand side under the "Toolbox".


I am afraid I am unsure what you are referring to with the "HMI Library".  You should not have to download any additional files (only the sample programs if you wish to use them).  Could you please explain further?

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