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.NET Driver documentation


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I want to write a #C program that communicate with several VisiLogic Unitronix controllers, the program need to read and write some operational parameters to and from the controller program as well as read data files from the controller SD.


I downloaded the .NET driver, installed it and run the sample program and test it with my V350.


I found the "Using the Unitronics Communication Driver for .Net" pdf in the installation directory but this is an old (2008) document and as far as I can see it is not have detailed information on the driver capabilities and data structures.


Also, I saw in this forum that there are some dll in the SD Card Suite that I can use for the above mention tasks, is there a documentation for how to use it?










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The SD Capabilities are built-in inside the driver.

The SD Card Explorer merely uses those APIs.

Most of the APIs have not changed since the driver was first coded, so the document is still relevant.


Search on the forum for readfile


you should find several threads about this issue

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