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Exponential numbers in HMI


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What series controller are you working with?


You can link a numeric entry on screen to a REAL or Memory Float which will allow you to enter exponential numbers.  The range supported is from -3.402E37 to -1.176E-35 for negative numbers and 1.176E-35 to 3.402E37 for positive numbers.


Hope this helps.

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Thank you for Your reply, Uni Guru.


The Controller is Unistream (USC-P-B10).


The problem is that:


1. The number entry Box does not contain the letter E. So 1xE-20 must be entered 0.000000000000000000001.

2. The display will only show 0.000 for the same number



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Thank you for Your reply, Uni Guru.


The Controller is Unistream (USC-P-B10).


The problem is that:


1. The number entry Box does not contain the letter E. So 1xE-20 must be entered 0.000000000000000000001.

2. The display will only show 0.000 for the same number




Although the numeric box does not show in exponential form, the register still contains this value.  So if math or some other function is used with this register, you will see the result still adjust according to its value.


As a work around, you can convert the number to ASCII for displaying purposes.  This will give you a verification that teh number was entered correctly, or the resulant value is correct.


As of now, the UniStream display of exponential numbers is on the features list for UniStream development, as well as the addition of the exponent button on the numeric entry windown.  You should see this update in the upcoming releases of UniLogic.

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