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Retrieving all Data


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I am wondering if it is possible to load all of the current values for all analog and digital inputs from a PLC. I have successfully connected to a PLC using:

PLC plc = PLCFactory.GetPLC(ethernet, 0);

Is there an easy way to use this PLC object to retrieve all values, or do I need to specifically know information (Address, etc) of each value I would like to read. If I do need to read them individually, how do I determine these parameters?

Thanks in advance


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If you only want to read the inputs and the outputs, then you can use the ReadWrite method of the PLC, and send a ReadWriteRequest array with 2 items, one of the inputs and one for the outputs.

In each of them just write address 0, and the total length of the inputs and outputs of the used PLC model.

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