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UniLogic Import and export


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I'm using UniLogic 1.18.60. Is there any way to export/import 'Data Tables' and Data Samplers'? Also, after having used the import/export (to library) for the first time, I have some comments:
1. It seems to me that it is important to import global tags FIRST, then functions and HMI screens. Otherwise the tag-names may be changed during import. Is this correct?
2. Importing HMI modules with more then 5-6 screens seems to make the Whole system to stop (I waited for 1.5h for the import to finish, but it never did) .
3. Do you have a more detailed instruction on how to use the import/export in the most efficient way?


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When you import functions and screens, UniLogic creates the tags.

When importing the screens/functions it looks for tags with the names it wants to import and check if there is a conflict with the type / size etc, if not, then it should try using them.


The import of more than 6 screens should not be slow. Waiting more than 1.5 hours is not something that should happen (So maybe something failed), so if you have an example of the screens that you've tried to import (for example a module with a lot of screens that you've exported) and it takes a lot of time, then please share it with us (make sure the problem reproduces first).



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Thanks for Your answer.

 I tried to send but the file was to big (1.5Mb). It contained approx 20 screens.

But import/export worked fine when it was splitted in modules of 5-6 screens each.

After my experiance With export/import I have a "wish -list" for additional functionality :

  • export/import of data tables
  • export/import of data samplers
  • export/import of alarms
  • That export/import of trends should keep their trend-labels

Thank you for a great Product anyway!

Another question:

According to documentation, the UIA-0800N has 13 bit resolution (8192). I assume this resolution is for 0-10V/0-20mA

Is the actual resolution still 8192 for a 2-10V/4-20 mA signal or is it reduced to 6554?

I have actually asked this before but is not sure if my question was understood.

What I should like to know is the effektive resolution of the AD Conversion.






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