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Hello all,

I have an application with length measuring using encoder and HSC on V130-TR20.  A want to drive(activate) a servo motor (paper cutting knife) always on counter reload for which  I'm using _Interrupt HSC 2,3. But VisiLogic does not let me use PTO blocks inside interrupt (illegal element on interrupt subroutine)  and do not let me call a subroutine (illegal element on interrupt subroutine). Any suggestions how to activate PTO in the same time while counter reload occurs? 

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Hi Nicolche,

Yes, VisiLogic does not allow to use PTO in an Interrupt Routine.

What are requirements for servo (do you mean stepper control by PTO?):

-Is a knife movement one direction, or both directions?

-Does knife, one time activated, cut and return to initial position, or it should be returned by opposite direction movement?

-How long knife may stay at end position?

-Can you use "High Speed Outputs (Stepper Control)" from Hardware Communication settings?

You can send all details to support@unitronics.com.


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