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The Program between STM8S103F2 and STM8S105


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I have some doubts about ADC program of the hardware between STM8S103F2 and STM8S105,if you can give me some feasible advice,I’ll be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Please look at the following picture, why the ADC program of STM8S103F2 cannot use in the STM8S105C4T6? And the collective result always be zero. I am so confusing about that ! 

The datasheet of STM8S105C4T6





Are there any wrongs I set? Please tell me the reasons and solutions,thank you again !

Well,If I choose the wrong forum to ask my questions,please forgive me and tell me which forum is suitable for asking my troubles.


Best regards~

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This forum is dedicated for Unitronics PLCs programming.

If your program information exchange between STM8S103F2, or STM8S105, and Unitronics PLCs, you are welcome.

Your current topic scope i out of this forum.

Please Google for "forum programming STM8S103F2 OR STM8S105", and you can find related forums, where forum members can help you  with your question.

Best regards.

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