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String for storing IP


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Dear fellows,

Anybody might be knowing - what type of string and what length is necessary to store IP address for IP Address Edit and IP to String and String to IP elements. Official help file is scarce on that.
Additionally, are the IP fields contained within Modbus Remote Slave structs editable or read only (as primarily these get their information from Modbus Ethernet Masters configuration screens)?

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The length of the IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx for string is 15 and  up.

The IP address tag in the struct of remote slave is not editable. 

If you wish to change to the Remote Slave ID or Slave IP directly from the HMI (without downloading application) follow the below steps:

  1. Go to UniApps
  2. Select Network Tab and then MODBUS:

3. Select Ethernet Master or Serial master. Then press on the slave ID or IP that you wish to change:


4. Virtual keypad will appear - change to the required ID or IP and press on Ok,

Now UniStream as MODBUS master will connect to the required ID or IP.

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