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Boolean to HMI


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I have a table that I store the current Boolean state of inputs 0-7.  My table updates fine with the date, time, input name and Boolean state of all inputs.  I can't figure out how to display the Boolean results in the table in a 00000000 format on the HMI.  

I am doing a table read from row 0 moving the Boolean field to MI15. In the HMI display, the start of the vector is MI 15 for 8 and I get no results on the display.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Basically you can first use Bit to Num ladder element to store the inputs array into a integer register.

Then write the value of the register to the data table.

Now in the data table you can right click on the cell of the integer column - select format:


Then choose Binary:


Now your column will be shown as Binary format on the HMI.

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