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For anyone producing their own electrical/control drawings you may have noticed the downloadable blocks in the technical library. Personally I have only ever found these useful for overall dimensions or to show the display on a general arrangement drawing.

It's a shame we don't have anything showing the actual connections in .dwg  (a bit like the images in the install guide). Anyway I will post here something which has helped me provide clients with a reference for connections.

These are blocks and in reality the PLC connections will have interconnecting wires and all the usual stuff you would expect.

I have lost count of the amount of times I have encountered the terminal number vs input/output number confusion!!

Feel free to offer any thoughts.




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Shalom, Israeli brothers & sisters.

We know that your busy schedule is saturated with diligences day by day, but we would appreciate a lot if you share with this revolving globe, the AutoCAD Electrical 2024 Drawings,

for your Unistream Series, including PLC, VFD and Servo Drives.   

Knowing that your nation is determined for impossible challenges and victory , I'm sending you a burning hug and salutation to all.  Dudes.

Very truly yours,

Marco Mendoza

(A vile mortal) from Guatemala.




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