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Long file names in enhanced web server

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I am building a web interface for a PLC using the SproutCore JavaScript framework. At this point, I can make it work with a separate web server, but it would be much more efficient to host the interface on the PLC itself. The enhanced web server sounds good, but it has too many restrictions on filenames. SproutCore isn't designed to work with DOS-style 8-character file names, and it needs files to be arranged in a certain directory structure. If I had a web server application that could support longer file names and arbitrary subdirectories, I think it would work.

Any ideas?

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Hi Andy,

The Web files need to be stored in SD card which will be in the PLC.

As you mentioned indeed the PLC can work with files only using format 8.3 and english characters.

We have many customer who already inmplemeted the Enhanced web server using HTML and JAVASCRIPT using file names with 8.3 format.

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SproutCore uses files with paths like /static/sproutcore/bootstrap/en/dd9de322ad13a3d1b5f705b175e9e87edb7de740/javascript-packed.js

I'm not sure how to adapt it to 8.3 filenames.

Is the 8.3 limit a limitation of the webserver itself, or does it come from how the PLC reads the SD card?

Is the source code of the webserver available?

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Hi Andy,

The limitation is not related to the Web Server but to the PLC handling files with SD card.

Basically the path appears somewhere in the file.Try checking where you need to change the path to the file and also make sure to rename the file to be 8.3 format.

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