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  For a new project, I’m actually trying to establish a Profibus communication between a V350 (slave) and a Siemens PLC (Master) S7 315-2DP.

 V350 (Slave - Address 3)

-Profibus card is installed (V100-17-PB1)

-OS is up to date (comprises a Profibus card)

-Connected with a Profibus cable with Siemens connectors (terminating resistance connected)

-Profibus configuration block on the main routine with SB2 (power-up task)

-Status message = 0

-Error message = 1

-Profibus card detected : SB178 = 1


 Siemens PLC   (Master - Address 2)

-Configured with UniProf.gsd file

-Test with only 16 Int in Read and 16 Int in Write

-Test with all Bit and Int in R/W


… and no communication


Can you advise me something ? or maybe do you have project example or documentation..


Best regards,


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