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Change CAN Bus Board inside Ladder / HMI Tag


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Can I change the baud rate of the CAN bus from within the program, even if I have to reinitialize the CAN bus? The "CAN setup.Baud Rate" tag is a read-only one.

Backstory: Depending on the device I want to connect and test, I need to set up the CAN bus for 500 Kbits/s or 1Mbits/s.

PLC: USP-156-B10 (15.6 inch PLC)

Unilogic Version: 1.25.56

Thanks, Graham.

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Right now you can change the baud rate from the UniApps.

It is planned to allow changing  baud rate and other properties from the program itself. I can't give information about when it will be released, and which properties will be changeable since the development of this feature has not been scheduled yet.


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