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V350 problem connection with webserver (TCP/IP)

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Hi all! I have a problem with Protocol TCP/IP SCAN module. In my project I can connect this PLC (V350) with my computer through TCP/IP protocol. I use PROTOCOL TCP/IP SEND module for send information to PC and Scan module for receive it and that part work fine, with this,  connection modules problems are discarded.

My next step is connect the PLC with a server  (same way). In this case I send a GET petition from PLC, when server receive this petition send another get petition to PLC with the valor of a variable stored in a data base, this petition must be read it by SCAN module and update some "flag" (MB direct contact) for activate  a sensor (represented by a light bulb in HMI). At this point my problem is with SCAN module, petition is properly send it (I checked this with wireshark and checking the state of data base that is  updated), but SCAN module is not reading  petition properly because don't  active the flag (don't change light bulb state).

At present , both petitition seem correct, in wireshark send petition from PLC appear with HTTP protocol tag and server respond with status 200 OK HTTP and the correct message. Scan module is configured for read response from server too. What can be the problem? 

Thank you.

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