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Hello !

So I'd like to connect an Siemens API to my V570. I know that I can use a gateway tanks to an other API (V130) and a port profibus. But I have other Siemens APi i'd like to connect, is it possible to add more port profibus on my V130 ?




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Hi Alex :


59 minutes ago, JMorel said:

But I have other Siemens APi i'd like to connect, is it possible to add more port profibus on my V130 ? 

By that I meant that I had more than one Siemens API (4 actually) and I'd like to connect all of them to my V570 via Profibus.


26 minutes ago, AlexUT said:

Only one ProfiBUS card allowed.

So the only way to have communication with all of those API is to use a Vision API with profibus communication for each of my Siemens API ? Is there an other option (still with Profibus)  ?


26 minutes ago, AlexUT said:

You can read required MI from V57 PLC by V350, and read both values from V130. 

So you mean that I can't connect the V130 to the V570 ?


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