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V570 LCD ccfl backlight issue

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I have a mostly functional v570 that I would like to refurbish to build a demo machine. Unfortunately, the LCD ccfl backlight inverter is shot and the screen does not turn on but the rest of the PLC is fully functional - which I confirmed by connecting over COM1, updating the OS, downloading a new project, monitoring/controlling registers/IOs, reading touch coordinates/toggling the onboard buzzer, etc).

I am very interested in ideas how any of you were able to resurrect dead LCDs. (This is not a question about the boot / blank screen issue, I know how to recover from that.  This is a hardware issue with a bad ccfl backlight inverter (or bad LCD).


If any of you happen to have a functional v570 CCFL backlight inverter (hitachi invc695) or an LED backlit LCD/driver combo and willing to donate or exchange it for a fully functional V120-22-UN2 model, please let me know.


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In case someone else runs in the same situation: I ended up testing the I/O voltages of the inverter, input was ok at ~5VDC, but there was no high voltage output. As a secondary test, I hooked up the input of the CCFL backlight to the inverter of an "old" laptop LCD... and the PLC screen came back to life ! Since the original hitachi invc695 seems to be obsolete (and overpriced $100-$300), I ended up buying a "universal"/laptop ccfl inverter for <$10. Should be a smooth sail from here:  some hand soldering then securing the universal inverter (no mounting holes on the pcb).




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