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Unilogic simple program to start stepper motor


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I am new with Unilogic and would learn how to setup/program  the Stepper Motor AMP ST24IP with unistream 10.4 Controller.  I am using Unistream 10.4 Controller connecting to the Motor via UID-0808THS.  Does anyone have a simple program to setup and send data to motor, just to spin up that stepper motor with inputs for changing Speed and Distance?  I am open to use whatever method that works with the AMP stepper motor.




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Have you downloaded the zip file with UniStream Sample programs?   -- Just under the UniStream Download.

There are a large number of example programs done by topic.

There are a couple of sample programs   using the UID-0808THS  in there to examine and help you get going.

As Joe Tauser and others   re-iterates often here :

        Take a crack at it and create your own code and then we can help you along.



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