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Posted Thursday at 11:19 AM   COPIED HERE AND EXPANDED



  Having Issues trying to communicate with the PLC via Ethernet ?   

Some Guidelines :

  Is the Ethernet Cable Plugged into the Ethernet Port ?  and are the LED's Flashing  for connectivity?

              The Expansion port uses  a  RJ45 Connector also, and is often confused with the Ethernet port.

  Are the PLC and the PC on the SAME  IP Base   Address Structure ( network)?        e.g.   192.168.1.x

  If   the connection is direct, consider a  Crossover Ethernet  Cable.

 Can you  PING   the PLC IP Address   from the PC  and get a reply?


Check the PLC   using INFO Mode   ( Password 1111)      


                    Upper lines show Ethernet IP and current status

                    Middle allows you to view and set parameters - IP, Sockets

                    Press Monitor to see if any   data is reaching the PLC ( selectable by the port )

          Check the PLC NAME      ( This is the PLC's Password - needed for Ethernet Downloads )

                     Name is under    Version  -  Software  -   On  New Units --   it is a number

                        ( This can be changed in your VisiLogic Program)


In VisiLogic :

   ---| | -----=------PLC Name --   Set the IP ---Set up Sockets

 SB2                   SB2  is a Power up one shot   that runs only 1 time in the program - at Power UP     - used to set parameters

Always set up the Ethernet Settings within the first few Nets in the MAIN  Program ( NOT in a subroutine !)

    ( Same for Serial Ports )

There are default settings for sockets, but they can be changed to what you want them to do.

     Check Help   for the default sockets


When attempting to download the first time using the Ethernet Port setting up an Ethernet Connection the first time, there are 2 options

       1   Check the PLC Name in Info Mode and the IP Parameters. 

                  Under communications and setting, set the Ethernet Parameters using the NAME from the PLC

                   ( After the program is downloaded, the name can be changed to your PLC Name )


       2    download the program thru the serial port   or USB Port  -- this way the PLC Name is Set   YOUR   way 













Edited by DanT
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