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Pulsing an output

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I am trying to develop an application that pulses an output relay at a maximum rate of 120 pulses Per Minute (i.e 2 pulses per second). The pulse rate is proportional to a variable value contained in an MI. While it is possible to pulse the output relay at a rate of 60 Pulses per minute using the SB 3 System bit, I was not able to figure out a way to pulse the relay in a two second interval or a half second interval. I would very much appreciate it if anyone could provide any ideas how to go about this one. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,


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You can use a timer for controling the rate of the pulses.

Each time you can change the timer preset according to the required rate.

Connect inverted contact of a timer to a coil of the same timer. This will create a pulse generator according to the timer preset.

Then use a direct contact of the timer to activate your output.

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