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Connect a display to PLC

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Hi everybody!

Is there any possibility to connect a display, LCD screen or even a LED matrix, directly to a Vision V120 or higher PLC?

I need to display two numbers on a screen, wich are calculated by the PLC. I need a large display, maybe 32 inches, that's why I can't use the integrated HMI.

First option is to use a PC, connected to the PLC, but I want to know if it is possible without the use of a PC.

Thank you!

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  • MVP 2014

You can purchase external displays with a serial interface. ASCII text is common, you may even be able to get Modbus. The link below is an example, these guys have a very high standard of product, with a price to match. You should be able to find similar products from other vendors if this one isn't in your price range.


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