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Dear all,

We have two V530 PLCs which we can't get alive :) We tried to connect with Visilogic 9.8.90 while it was working to make some changes to the program and after I tried to download it ERROR occured but I didn't write it down. Afterwards I tried to switch OFF/ON PLC while holding finger onto  HMI to get to the STOP menu and then I tried to download new OS but with no luck.  Colleague from Helpdesk Guy Sela tried to help me with the above but with no result.

Is there any other way to fix OS download problem on V530, some secret procedure ?



Sasa Jovanic

LOGOKOD d.o.o.




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On 7/13/2020 at 2:41 PM, AlexUT said:

What was a version number of last used VisiLogic when project being loaded to PLC?

You have to use this version.

And communication speed should be 115200, not 9600

*If you tested 57600 - test 115200.




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On 7/13/2020 at 2:41 PM, AlexUT said:

What was a version number of last used VisiLogic when project being loaded to PLC?

You have to use this version.

And communication speed should be 115200, not 9600

*If you tested 57600 - test 115200.



My oldest Visilogic version is 9.3,, I don't have 9.01 is it available and how to get it ? 

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