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Operational temperature ranges

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I see where the V280 controller has an operational temperature range of 32F - 122F. My question is as follows:

1. Does this temperature range reflect the ambient internal temperature of the panel box it's installed in? Or,

2. Does this temperature reflect the internal temperature sensor displayed on SI 14?

The example below is a real word issue we are seeing:

We have a V280 installed in a 24" H x 16" W x 10" D panel box. The ambient external temperature of the box is 80 degrees F. The internal ambient temperature inside the box is 93 degrees F. And SI 14 lists the temperature as 118 degrees F. Which of those three temperatures is the one we should be concerned with when it comes to the operating temperature range of 32F - 122F?

Please let me know if I can provide more information.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Hi Pat,

The "real" one is those shown by SI14. With good ventilation, it needs ot be few degrees above the ambient. In a small, closed plastic box because of heat, emmited by the controloler itself, ti can be much higher than the ambient.

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