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Reset IP address to default at PLC at download


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At download new software to the PLC there is a reset needed when the physical Ethernet IP is different with whats in the PLC.

After the message that the PLC is reset due to the different IP in the software and the PLC you get the question if you want to change the IP.

When you do the option that you don't want to change the IP, still a reset is given.

Why is that needed. This is what we often have and what we don't want that just for a simple sofware change that the controller has to be stopped first before the update.

Is there a way to change this. IP adress change in the software is not wanted, because then we need for every PLC update change the IP adresses in the software with the cause that you make a mistake at one day. Then the problem is bigger, because you lost the connection with the controller.

I hope somebody can help me with this issue.





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