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UID0808THS flashing orange

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Hi All,

I have an issue with a UID0808THS installed with a USP-156-x10. The unit will continue to flash Orange after the OS is booted up.

I have tried all configurations from nothing plugged in, only the V+ and 0V, inputs and outputs.

I have installed a blank project and still does not load into solid green LED.

Firmware 1.32.112 and I have installed the extra IoOs files for UID-0808THS_V_5_10



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  • MVP 2014

Hi Michael,

Just to check a couple of things.

Is the UID0808THS the only IO module on the system?  Is it directly connected to the CPU (no UAG-XK expansion cable?  The OS update to the IO module (and any associated debugging) is easier if this is the only IO module connected and there is no expansion cable.

When you say you downloaded a blank project, did it at least have the IO configuration set to match the actual IO of the PLC?


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Hi Simon,

Yes i only have the UID0808THS connected and it is directly connected. 

Blank project means i have set up the correct PLC + HMI and Module and nothing in the main function to ensure it inst a programming error.

HW version 3, boot version 4.3 OS type DI8TO8HS to 5.10.

Any help would be great.


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