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Sorry the title should be RS 485 on Vision 570!!

According to the specs RS485 port (Port 1 or 2) are electricaly insulated. According to the RS485 recomendations I should connect sygnal ground of all devices on a multy drop network. Where is the sygnal ground of Port1 (or Port2) when set as RS485?

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I'm not sure I am understanding the question correctly, but PIn 6 is the - and Pin 1 is the + of your two wire RS485 communications ports. All + communications connections for all of the devices on the multidrop network are on the same line and all of the - communications connections ar on the other line. If you look at the help file in Visilogic (search for "multi drop" there is a pictorial of the connection under "Network Topology and Wiring").


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I'm not sure I am understanding the question correctly, but PIn 6 is the - and Pin 1 is the + of your two wire RS485 communications ports. All + communications connections for all of the devices on the multidrop network are on the same line and all of the - communications connections ar on the other line. If you look at the help file in Visilogic (search for "multi drop" there is a pictorial of the connection under "Network Topology and Wiring").


If you configure Port1(or Port2) as RS232 pin 2 and 5 are "0 volt reference". I am missing such "0 volt reference" in the case when the port is configured as RS 485.

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