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WBC2 Unilogic Help file not so clear...


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For the first time I am using the UIS-WCB2 module (twice in this project) and I was managing the relative I/O status for the alarms...I took a look at the online manual and I notice that is not exactly what I have in the I/O informations in the Unilogic software...see attached pictures...so my questions are:

in the manual i saw a "generic" input and output status as two arrays of 4 UINT8 each one but in the real i have the status of analog input (2 units), temperatere input (2 units), analog output (2 units)...can I consider the same "exception value" for both types of inputs (analog and temperature)?

the IO-Status is referred at the whole module...are others parameters that I have to consider to detect some malfunction...like internal params or internal info?

other that is not included in the manual?


WBC2 from help file.png

WBC2 from Unilogic IO.png

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