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Remote Operator and Visilogic PLCs

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          Hi guys,

    I have made a small project using V350- TU24 PLC and have connected it with SCADA software via MODBUS TCP protocol. The software works correct. I can read and write from and to the PLC. Can some one tell me please if I can use in the same time Remote operator, when Runtime is started? Unfortunately I have not the possibility to check this. Thanks in advance.

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  • MVP 2023

When using Ethernet, you have 4 sockets available to you for simultaneous connections. Just use different Port numbers for each connection and they'll be fine. The default configuration for Socket 1 is set for VisiLogic comms (also Remote Operator) - Port 20256, and Socket 2 default is Port 502 for SCADA. If you are using Socket 2 for your SCADA then you are good to go.


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  • MVP 2023

Unless you've initialized another socket to Port 20256 for another purpose, or you've initialized Socket 1 for a different purpose,  you're all ready for Remote Operator. Just connect to the PLC via Port 20256. Be sure you know the IP address and PLC Name and it should connect right up.

I'm assuming this is all LAN and you're not trying to connect over the internet.

By the way, no need for a SET coil for SB 168 - just assign the Power-up to SET.

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Hello Flex 727. " Ani sameh lirot otha". My izraelian knoleges finish here 🙂. Thanks for your help. I tested today what you mentioned and it works. I can connect simultaneously with my SCADA and Remote Operator from my mobile phone. They are in local network. Next step is to make a connection via internet. Have a nice day. Tanks one more time.

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