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Counting HMI elements


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Number of HMI elements in Properties Window is not valid for limitation.

I tried with Custom controls to reduce number of HMI elements, result is in the screenshot.

I just wasted couple hours of work, again. Please, do something with help files and examples (examples are just trivial cases of titled themes). 

For example, I dont know  what means Warnings after compiling in my program: How to use System Error Structure?  I dont use in program Alarm widgets, what the purpose of warnings about Alarms? What about Modbus 2.0, how to change it?

And finally, buttons in Error List not filtering rows correctly.



US v133.png

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There are 204 elements and 5 Custom Controls in HMI.  Every Custom control has 11 elements. 

Properties Window: 204+5=209

Compiling (and limitation)204+5*11=259

If the number of HMI elements is close to the limited value (256), info in Properties window is unuseful (or wrong).

I suggest two solutions:

1.   Properties window should also display the number 259

2.   (my preferred solution) During compiling, Custom Control should be seen as one object

MM - PLC Tehn CC.png

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As I wrote in my previous post, the text will be changed to: (209 Elements [259 Items]), so you will know that there are 209 actual elements on the screen, but when counting the inner elements on the used custom controls, it will show 259 Items.

The reason we limit the number of elements on a screen is because each element consumes memory from the Panel, so while  you place elements on a custom control, and then use that custom control on your screen, then the actual elements that exist on that screen are actually 259 elements that consume RAM. This is why we don't treat a single custom control as only 1 element.

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