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Frequency UID-0808T UID-W1616T


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Hi all,

I'm looking for digital outputs maximum frequency value in UID-0808T and UID-W1616T modules. The technical specification pdf just shows "Turn on/off switching time (80μs max)" so is that frequency the maximum for normal(no highspeed) digital outputs , activated as PWM or normal state?


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1. If not stated PWM or other special output type - this parameter refers normal output.

2. Switching time is exactly as stated in Data Sheet:


This means that after receiving ON or OFF signal from PLC, required state will be set after maximum 80 us.

2. It is useless refering to frequensy, as output signal should do something.

As output is managed by PLC, ON/OFF time will be dependent of scan time and other parameters.

Scan time will wary from ~1 ms to 10s ms, dependent of project complexity.

3. It is better to start by analysing project requirements.

Then check if modules fit project requirements.

4. Some modules has set of scenarios, involwing Inputs, Outputa, Timers, and some simple logic.

5. US series PLCs (T42) has special Interrupt routine with fixed interrupt time.


Hope this information helps to clarify I/O timing.


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Hi AlexUT,

Thanks for your answer, of course always all information given is usefull, so thanks for your help. Just i asked cause i want to control some digital outputs as pwm for heating process. The heating procees is slow so i don't need a fast response on my pwm but i wanted to know what is the fastest frequency that i can implement in a normal digital output. I'm going to assume that the maximum frequency will be around 10kHz so that it is slower than the maximum switching time (80μs - 12.6kHZ)


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It is useless to use very high frequency for PWM.

As you process is slow - it is recommended to evaluate UniLogic example \PWM\UniStream_070_PWM.ulpr

*You have to download UniLogic Examples.

In your case 0.1% for PWM should be equivalent to 2-3 scan times.

Instead of 0.1% precision you can use 0.5%-1.0% precision.

To do this, you have to  linearize 0-100 range to 0-1000 range.


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