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How to construct this cable?

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I am using a Jazz JZ-10-11-R10 PLC in my application. I intend to use the serial port to communicate modbus with a modem. The problem is that the modem has a DB9 Female on board and a serial cable (RS-232) DB 9 Male/Female was provided with it in the box. Can I use this configuration to build my cable?

Modem side (D type 9-pin Male) PLC side RJ11 Controller Signals

DSR(out) 6 <--> 1 PWR(in)

RTS(in) 7 <--> 2 GND

GND 5 <--> 3 RXD(in)

RXD(out) 2 <--> 4 TXD(out)

TXD(in) 3 <--> 5 GND

GND 5 <--> 6 PWR(in)

DCD(out) 1 <-->

I would very much appreciate it if someone could answer my question. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,


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