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Download our Webinar:Remotely Access your Unitronics PLC =>Control During Crisis

Cara Bereck Levy


Download our webinar: 
Remotely Access
 your Unitronics PLC  Carrow.JPG Control During Crisis

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Recorded Webinar Content

Coronavirus Lockdown! You CAN reach your PLCCarrow.JPGWithout leaving home!

No matter how perfectly you plan your project, how impeccably you implement automation, you must be prepared for the unexpected:

 System error? Burned out peripheral? Pump jammed?

Where is the Operator?

 Production order changed, increased, cancelled?

Where is the Production Manager?

Remote PLC Access and Control is absolutely vital to you and your customers. 


How to implement Remote Access using different controller families in order to execute different tasks. Subjects include:

CHeckMarkGry.jpgControlling and Monitoring your Application from Anywhere

       Learn how to connect to your controller from your mobile or PC via VNC, mobile app, or web-browser.

CHeckMarkGry.jpg Remote Troubleshooting

       Is your machine or application malfunctioning? Your support technicians can connect to it in real time and take immediate action.

CHeckMarkGry.jpg Setting Up a System – Remotely

       Are you a system integrator who needs to set up a machine or system at the customer site? You can access your system and run setup without being physically present.

CHeckMarkGry.jpgDynamic Recipe Modifications – Off-site

       Do you need to change a production recipe, fast? UniStream’s FTP Server enables you to transfer files to the PLC to modify the recipe and automatically enable the PLC to carry out the task.

CHeckMarkGry.jpgUpdating Software – Remotely 

        Are there changes, or have feature been added to your system? You can execute updates remotely via UniLogic, VisiLogic, or the UniDownloader utility depending on your controller family.

CHeckMarkGry.jpgAlerting Your Staff

       You can easily set up notification groups for Managers, Supervisors, Operators, etc, and send alerts to mobile or PC - via SMS, email, mobile app, the cloud via MQTT and more.

CHeckMarkGry.jpgSafeguarding HMI Access

       When your staff accesses a UniStream HMI remotely, you can limit who sees what, and whether they can perform specific action via UAC – User-controlled Access.

Additional Unitronics Benefits:

When you use Unitronics, you also benefit from:

  • No licensing costs
  • Saving on time and costs
  • Monitor systems globally-  Just like being on site
  • Fewer maintenance visits, better control and improved service to your customers



Access_Middle Image_Unitronics.png

Today, more than ever before, you need offsite access, the ability to access your control applications from anywhere, at any time, because in the immortal words of Murphy:


"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.." 

 Learn Best Remote Access Practices – just click below!



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