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Everything posted by Emil

  1. Hi Damian, First of all - I'll be more than thankfull if you will take your time and will edit DF1 help doc. We will post your edition right in this forum (there was no such opiton in prevous forum, but now it is!). I guess a lot of people all around te world will be thankfull to you too! About unstability of DF1 - I'll see how we can check it...
  2. Hi Pedro, Please note - Received SMS must be exactly the same as defined! It's case and space sensitive. My advice is to define any very simple message first, for example <TEST> (with capital latters) and to check if it's received. Please observe also the status of SB186,187,188 and SI180. Please search in Help for SMS and then go to topic SMS System Bits, Integers... for more info. Another option - load one of example projects, which are checked and need ot work. Please let me know the result.
  3. Hi Damian, About DF1. This is not our protocol and we have no too much experience with it. The doc I pointed was writen and given to us by our distributor in Finland, which is distributor of AB too. I know that this doc helped a lot of people. We will appreciate very much any note, wich points to errors and will help to improve this doc. I hope you will send your remarks to me ASAP! About Modbus - did you try my advice to take a pair of working examples and check with them? What is the result? Of course you're welcome to send your application and we will check it here - but with another Vision as master or simulating program. We have no L35E to check with it and if te problem is there or in communication parameters, this will not fix the problem.
  4. Hi Naoto, Try to define two messages in FB Protocol Scan. For X variable one will be with no sign and the second with negative sign. Y variable can be set as not fixed length - in both defined lines. Let me know the result.
  5. Maybe, reading analog signal 4-20mA,which reperesents the flow, you can calculate the total. V570 has very powerful, practically unlimited math functions!
  6. Hi Hanne6, Simple soluiton: 1. Each scan, out of Power up, store MI39 to any other, buffer MI, let say MI139. 2. On Power up, store back buffer value (MI139 in our example) back to MI39. You can use SB2 - power uop bit as condition to perform the mentioned logic. In point 1 - use N.C. contact. In point 2 - N.O.
  7. Not in a direct way, but Chinese text can be add as Image. This is the way our distributors in China and Taiwan are working.
  8. When you set Ti = 0, you disable I control. When you set Td = 0, you disable D control. This way you can decide which type fo control you want to perfomr - P only, PI, PD or full PID. As stated in the name of te function - "Pause Integral function" - it pauses the acumulating integral error. If, in some moment you want to "freese" the output ot some value and then to recover, you need to store CV to the output register.In case of "pause", you just will stop storing. If you want to recover the functionality bumpless from this value, please use "reverse ingeneering" to calculate back CV with the new input parameters. You can review the example Bumpless control to see how to do that. Autotune calculates the best PID parameters for this system. If you want for some reason to perform P, PI or PD control only, you will need ot set these parameters manually.
  9. Small note: At Unitronics site www.unitronics.com > Support page > PLC tools and applications you can find detailed doc on how to perform communication via DF1. In VisiLogic > Help menu Examples there are few working demoes, related to Modbus. I'll recommend to take a pair of such examples - Master and Slave, connect two controllers and chech the data flow. Then, replacing one of the contrololers with your device, check again port settings and try again.
  10. Dear Hane6, In U90Ladder > Help menu > Sample U90 projects > Flow and toalizing there is a working example "Linearization of two inputs" (attached to the post too). Did you check it? Do you face any problem with it? Linearization of two inputs.U90
  11. Sorry, Pedro, but Jas has only one port and cannot support two protocols at the same time. You can put sniffer and observe the strings passing between the modem and the controller. This is standard way of debug. In this case you can find, for example, where is the problem in modem communication. But you cannot enter in on-line at the same time and debug the program. You can use Info mode to view status of operands. This is quite helpful in situations like yours!
  12. Hi Bill, We are checking the serial numbers. Usually, when you start a project, especially with Erthernet card, along with Card setup you set PLC name too. With this, and only with this PLC Name you can then connect from VisiLogic and Remote Operator. SDW9 holds PLC Unique number. This number is burnt in PLC memory and cannot be changed in any way out of Unitronics factory. In a new controller, just from the box, the default PLC Name is the Unique number (SDW9 value. If in your case PLC Name was different from the value of SDW9, this means that someone already downloaded program in this controller. This is what I'm trying to investigate. That's why I need the serial numbers! What was the "default" PLC Name you found in Info mode of this new controller? Maybe this can give me some direction?
  13. Hi Bill, First of all - you're right - it's possible to connect direct via Ethernet - the way Ofir already posted. Small tip - you can see default PLC Name in info mode too. In general, the controllers need to come with default Socket setings. I want ot understand why in your case they was not. That's why I need the serial numbers. In addition: Were the controllers entierly new - from the box when you started the operation? Did you personally installed the Ethernet cards?
  14. Hi Tester 2, The logic you did is right. It's also qute simple. I hope you agree with me. Few small notes: 1. First of all - you need to write one rung per net. In your case the program needs to be divided in 3 nets. There are few good reasons to do this. Please check VisiLogic Help topic "Ladder Net" for details. 2. In your last rung, use Negative transition contact of MB0 to perform the calculation only once - when it reach the right hour - not each scan. You can find -|N|- contact in Boolena menu > Contacts. 3. In rung 3, I'll just Store MI1 in MI4 (Store functions > Direct store). It's more elegant and will be executed faster by the controller. 4. Usually, when you connect temperature sensor direct to relevant AI of our controller, you receive reading direct in degrees, with resoluiton of 0.1 degree. I'll recommend both Setpoint (your MI1) and setpoint difference (MI0) to be in the same resuluiton. I hope these small tips will be useful for you!
  15. Global variables are supported only by classic Vision controllers - V120 and V2xx series. Enhanced Vision models, having much more memory, don't need it. You just can copy/paste the variable you need on different displays.
  16. Hi Tester 2, From your picture, I saw you found already the right way - using indirect clock (instead of direct in my example) and MI to keep the temperature instead of constant number. Is there anything else which remains open and I can help you with?
  17. Hi Steve, I checked this issue with our R&D. It seems it's more complicated than it looks at first cut. The problem is related to one of the third party control we're using in VisiLogic. We are contacting the producer of this control to find solution, but currently we cannot estimate it - it's not fully in our hands. Sorry for such not so helpful answer (I'll be glad to have better!) and thank you for your understanding!
  18. Hi Damian, And if it will be les than 6 months? What is the gift Cara will receive?
  19. Hi Tester 2, Let me understand: Do you want just to set two different setpoints - with mentioned RTC change, or you want the temperature - to rise, for example from 24C at 22:00 to 28C at 8:00 and then once again to change slownly with the time. In first case - it's very simple! You need ot use Clock function - Hour. You need to set hours for 24C and hours for 28C. There will be two MB - one for each range. Let's say - MB0 will be active between 8:00 and 22:00, and MB1 - between 22:00 and 8:00. With positive transition of each bit you will store the relevant setpoint to MI, which is related to temperature controller. Described logic will take 4 very simple nets. Is this helpful?
  20. Hi Pedro, definitelly the high power cables along with sensor ones emit noise and can be the reason for the problem. But before continuing and taking special care, can you make a simple test - connect the sensor with shortest posible cable direct to the controller and keep it in the air. Is the signal stable now? Another one possible cause for the problem - where the sensors are located? Are the boilers grounded by themselves? Is thhe ground point the same as the one of the controller?
  21. Hello Simon, You're 100% right - Special function "Long integer" operates only on MI. It doesn't accept constant numberts. This is not a bug - this si the way the function is operating and will not (cannot) be changed. If I'm not wrong, this point is stated in Help topic. If not - it will...
  22. Hi HAC, We already issued Snap In module with 9 (!) analog inputs. The spec is attached and new VisiLogic V8.6.1 already supports it. Maybe you can contact your local Unitronics vendor for price and delivery?... V200-18-E6B_SPEC_06-08.pdf
  23. Hi Kurt, Which way you want to communicate with Citec: UniOPC or Modbus? Smal tip: In Unitronics site www.unitronics.com > Support page > PLC Tools you can find doc, which explains step by step connection to Citec. The direct link is: http://www.unitronics.com/data/uploads/Movies/UniOPC%20and%20Sitect.zip I hope this will help you to make your connection.
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